We are currently accepting nominations for a new Elder for the GMC Elder Board.
Qualifications of Elders:
Biblically qualified as found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.
Good-standing Partner of GMC for at least three years.
In agreement and alignment with GMC’s vision, governing structure and style and all of its bylaws, statements and policies.
Nomination Process:
Before nominating someone, please soak it in prayer!
Submit nominations via email to elders@gmchurch.ca. Please include your name and the name of the person you are nominating. You do not need to contact the person you are nominating.
Nomination deadline: Tuesday, February 25, 2025.
The Elder Board will then screen and select one nominee for the vacant Elder position.
The Elder-approved nominee will then be recommended publicly for two weeks to allow for feedback from the Partners, before the affirmation vote.
The new nominee will then be accepted via an affirmation vote at the March 25, 2025, GMC AGM.